Covid Contracting outside

COVID Contracting Outside: How to Stay Safe

As the weather gets warmer and the pandemic continues, many people are starting to venture outside for socializing, dining, and other activities. While being outside does reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission, it’s still important to take precautions when contracting outside.

Here are some tips for staying safe while enjoying the outdoors during the pandemic:

1. Wear a mask

Even if you’re outside, it’s still a good idea to wear a mask, especially if you’re in close proximity to others. Masks help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by reducing the amount of respiratory droplets that can be transmitted between people.

2. Social distance

Maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from others who are not in your household. This is especially important in crowded areas where it may be difficult to maintain distance.

3. Avoid touching surfaces

The virus can live on surfaces for several hours or even days, so it’s important to avoid touching surfaces as much as possible. If you do touch a surface, use hand sanitizer or wash your hands as soon as possible.

4. Wash your hands frequently

Wash your hands often, especially before eating, drinking, or touching your face. Use soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

5. Bring your own food and drinks

If you’re planning to have a picnic or barbecue, consider bringing your own food and drinks to minimize contact with others.

6. Don’t share utensils or food

Avoid sharing utensils, plates, or cups with others, even if they’re in your household. This can help prevent the spread of germs.

7. Stay home if you’re feeling sick

If you’re experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, such as a cough, fever, or difficulty breathing, stay home and seek medical attention.

Contracting outside can provide a much-needed break from being cooped up inside, but it’s important to do so safely. By following these tips, you can reduce your risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19 while enjoying the outdoors.
