Subject Verb Agreement in Indefinite Pronouns

Subject-verb agreement is one of the most important grammatical rules that writers should always adhere to when creating content for their copy. It ensures that the subject of a sentence and its verb match in number, whether singular or plural. However, the rules can get a bit tricky when dealing with indefinite pronouns, which are pronouns that do not refer to a specific person, place or thing.

Indefinite pronouns include words such as anyone, everyone, somebody, nobody, each, either, neither, everything, and nothing. These pronouns can be singular or plural depending on the context. Therefore, it is vital to pay close attention to subject-verb agreement when using indefinite pronouns in your writing.

Here are some rules to keep in mind when dealing with indefinite pronouns and subject-verb agreement:

1. Singular Indefinite Pronouns Require Singular Verbs

When using a singular indefinite pronoun, you should always use a singular verb. For example, everyone is going to the party tonight. In this sentence, „everyone” is a singular indefinite pronoun, and „is” is a singular verb that agrees with it.

2. Plural Indefinite Pronouns Require Plural Verbs

When using a plural indefinite pronoun, you should always use a plural verb. For example, some people prefer to live in cities, while others prefer the countryside. In this sentence, „people” is a plural indefinite pronoun, and „prefer” is the plural verb that agrees with it.

3. Indefinite Pronouns that End with -one, -body, or -thing are Singular

Pronouns such as anyone, somebody, or everything are always singular, and they require singular verbs. For example, anybody can learn how to cook with the right recipe. In this sentence, „anybody” is a singular indefinite pronoun, and „can” is the singular verb that agrees with it.

4. Indefinite Pronouns that End with -s are Plural

Indefinite pronouns that end with -s, such as both, several, many, or others are always plural, and they require plural verbs. For example, both dogs and cats make great pets. In this sentence, „both” is a plural indefinite pronoun, and „make” is the plural verb that agrees with it.

5. Indefinite Pronouns that Can be Singular or Plural

Some indefinite pronouns, such as all, any, most, and some, can be both singular or plural depending on the context. In such cases, the verb should agree with the noun that comes closest to the indefinite pronoun.

For example, all of the students are studying hard for their exams. In this sentence, „students” is plural, and „are” is the plural verb that agrees with it.

Alternatively, you can also use „is” instead of „are,” depending on the context. For example, all of the cake is gone. In this sentence, „cake” is singular, and „is” is the singular verb that agrees with it.


Proper subject-verb agreement is necessary when using indefinite pronouns in your writing. Be mindful of the number of the indefinite pronoun and choose the appropriate verb that agrees with it. By doing so, you can make your content more grammatically correct and easier to read, which will improve your SEO ratings.

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Ebp Agreement

EBP Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

In the world of healthcare, Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) agreements are becoming increasingly common. These agreements are contracts between healthcare facilities and medical device or pharmaceutical manufacturers, outlining how clinical research will be conducted and how the results will be shared. With a focus on transparency and patient safety, EBP agreements are an important step towards improving the quality of healthcare.

What is an EBP Agreement?

An EBP agreement is a contract between a healthcare facility and a medical device or pharmaceutical manufacturer. The purpose of the agreement is to establish a framework for conducting clinical research that is based on evidence-based medicine. The agreement outlines how the research will be conducted, who will conduct it, and how the results will be shared.

Why are EBP Agreements Important?

EBP agreements are important because they promote transparency and patient safety. By establishing a framework for the research process, these agreements help ensure that the results are trustworthy and that the clinical interventions are safe. They also help to prevent conflicts of interest by requiring manufacturers to disclose any financial relationships they may have with the healthcare facility.

How are EBP Agreements Created?

EBP agreements are typically created through a negotiation process between the healthcare facility and the manufacturer. The parties involved must agree on the scope of the research, the timeline for completion, and how the results will be shared. The agreement must also comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing clinical research.

What are the Key Elements of an EBP Agreement?

The key elements of an EBP agreement include:

1. Scope of the research: This outlines the purpose of the research and the specific interventions that will be studied.

2. Study design: This describes the methods that will be used to collect data and analyze the results.

3. Timeline: This sets out the timeframe for completing the research and publishing the results.

4. Data sharing: This specifies how the results will be shared with the healthcare community and the public.

5. Funding: This outlines the financial arrangements between the healthcare facility and the manufacturer, including any compensation for participation in the research.


In conclusion, EBP agreements are an important tool for promoting transparency and patient safety in the healthcare industry. By establishing a framework for conducting clinical research that is based on evidence-based medicine, these agreements help ensure that the results are trustworthy and that the clinical interventions are safe. If you are involved in the healthcare industry, it is important to understand the role of EBP agreements and how they can benefit your organization.

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Basic Principles of Australian Contract Law

Basic Principles of Australian Contract Law

In Australia, contract law governs the agreements between parties that create legally enforceable obligations. A contract is an agreement between two or more parties that creates rights and obligations that are enforceable by law.

Here are some basic principles of Australian contract law:

1. Offer and acceptance

To form a contract, there must be an offer by one party and an acceptance by the other. An offer is a statement that indicates a willingness to enter into a contract on certain terms. Acceptance is the agreement by the other party to those terms.

2. Intention to create legal relations

For a contract to be enforceable, the parties must have the intention to create legal relations. This means that the parties must intend for their agreement to be legally binding.

3. Consideration

Consideration is something of value that each party gives or promises to give to the other in exchange for the other`s promise. Without consideration, a contract is usually unenforceable.

4. Capacity to contract

The parties to a contract must have the capacity to enter into the agreement. This means that they must be of legal age and of sound mind.

5. Legality of purpose

A contract must have a legal purpose. A contract to do something illegal or against public policy is usually unenforceable.

6. Certainty of terms

The terms of a contract must be certain and not vague or ambiguous. A court will not enforce a contract if the terms are too vague or uncertain.

7. Consensus ad idem

This Latin phrase means „agreement to the same thing.” It refers to the fact that the parties to a contract must agree on the same fundamental elements of the contract.

8. Performance of the contract

Once a contract is formed, the parties must perform their obligations under the contract. Failure to perform can result in a breach of contract.

9. Remedies for breach of contract

If one party breaches the contract, the other party may be entitled to damages, specific performance, or other remedies.

In conclusion, understanding the basic principles of Australian contract law is essential for anyone who wants to enter into agreements that create legally enforceable obligations. By following these principles, parties can ensure that their contracts are enforceable and that they can rely on the other party to fulfill their obligations.

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